Harlem Wizards vs. Arcola Pride
September 22, 2013

On Sunday September 22, 2013, the Arcola Pride will be featured in a return engagement with the Harlem Wizards.
The rematch will take place at the Nancy Stiff Gymnasium on the Arcola school campus at 2:00 PM.

Tickets may be purchased at the Arcola Grade School office or online.

Advance Ticket Purchases (Thru Friday September 20, 2013):
$8.00  - Students/Pre-School Children/Seniors
$10.00 - Adults

At the door:
$10.00 - Students/Pre-School Children/Seniors
$12.00 - Adults

Arcola Pride - Team Members

Stan Boyer (AHS 2002)
Leland Bunting (HS Ag Teacher)
Don Burton (Superintendent)
Jason Butler (AHS 1990)
Pat Conlin (Arthur Alumni)
Jim Crane (School Board)
Brianne Eads (2nd Grade teacher and former Arthur basketball player)
Michelle Jones (Junior High Teacher)
John Lidy (Junior High Teacher)
Dan Miller (AHS 1979)

Mike Phillips (Police Chief)
Brad Pullen (AHS 1998)
Tyler Renshaw (1st grade teacher and HS golf coach)
Tony Snyder (AHS 2007)
Chad Strader (School Board President)
Bethany Wellbaum (4th Grade teacher and former Millikin Girls Basketball Star)

Coach Nancy Stiff (Hall of Fame Girls Basketball)
Chris Slack (Official)

Arcola Pride

Harlem Wizards

Questions/Comments to
Last Revision December 14, 2017