Distinguished Alumni Banquet |
Video of the Distinguished Alumni banquet of October 11, 2014 |
Scenes from the Distinguished Alumni banquet on October 11, 2014
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Photos Courtesy of Emily Coombe |
Dr. E. S. Allen, Jr. |
Dr. Allen Biography |
Introduction of Dr. Allen by Sue Stout
Bobby Gene Ghere |
Bobby Ghere Biography |
Introduction of Bobby Ghere by Sue Stout
Russell S. Ghere |
Russ Ghere Biography |
Introduction of Russ Ghere by Sue Stout
James Edward "Ed" Fidler |
Ed Fidler Biography |
Introduction of Ed Fidler by Emily Coombe
Larry Lee Bushu |
Larry Bushu Biography |
Introduction of Larry Bushu by Sue Stout
Phillip Dean Sanders |
Dean Sanders Biography |
Introduction of Dean Sanders by Randy Rothrock
Patrick Hugh Monahan |
Pat Monahan Biography |
Introduction of Pat Monahan by Randy Rothrock
Robert Terry Miller |
Terry Miller Biography |
Introduction of Terry Miller by Randy Rothrock
Questions/Comments to
arcolaalumni@yahoo.com Last Revision July 11, 2024 |