Class of 1993 |
Ryan Applegate |
Robert Ard |
Terry Bennett |
Jeremy Brown |
Johnny Brown |
Melissa Burke |
Shannon Campbell |
Bradley Clark |
Jodie Clark |
Julie Cole |
Liberty Cook |
Steven Crouse |
Clay Doemelt |
Christopher Downing |
Jason Edwards |
Lesley Gardner |
Chonna Gilland |
James Helmuth |
Nathan Hershberger |
Johnna Keller |
Ami Key |
Susana Leal |
Toby Livingston |
Jeffrey Mathias |
Bruce McNary |
Ryan Melton |
Maureen Monahan |
Will Moomaw |
Darrell Moore |
Christopher Murphy |
Samuel Nall |
Chad Pantier |
Donald Chase Rankin |
Matthew Robinson |
Catherine Sargent |
Christina Seaman |
Shane Smith |
Tommy Smith |
Michele Switzer |
Kristie Thomas |
Erin Thornton |
Cainan Willison |
John Willison |
Administration - Faculty - Staff |
Superintendent Malcolm Fox |
Principal Steve Fink |
Chris Bockewitz |
Byron Bradford |
Lori Bruce |
Judy Eskridge |
Richard Fay |
Maria Fichter-Wandling |
Edith Floyd |
Connie Guennewig |
Debbie Hall |
Ken Krejci |
Elizabeth Lutz |
Joe Marks |
Nancy Mathias |
Mary Jane Maxedon |
Tonya Morton |
Joe Murray |
Candace Nash |
Mike Nave |
Jeannie Shaffer |
Dale Skelton |
Darla Sluder |
Nancy Stiff |
Jim Strange |
Jackie Streeper-Green |
Steve Thomas |
Lyn Tuttle |
Matt Wells |
Student Teachers Left to Right: Nide Gagliardo, Matt Greider, Amy Anderson, Sheila Taylor, Matt Smith |
Student Teacher Evan Inboden |
Cafeteria Left to Right: Theresa Martin, Vicky Gullian, Dianne Baker, Rita Lammers |
Maintenance Left to Right: Fred Budd, Elbert Kelsey, Elvin Goad, Brian Walters Absent: Ginger Stewart |
Questions/Comments to Last Revision November 10, 2017 |