Class of 1965 |
Robert Akers |
Wanda Alexander |
William Allen |
Dennis Anderson |
Donald Eugene Bartholomew |
Donna Beavers |
William Blackwell |
Roger Bright |
Linda Browning |
Elaine Bryant |
Stephen Bunten |
Norma Butler |
Betty Byerly |
Donald Byers |
Steve Calhoun |
Charles Casteel |
Joyce Cowell |
Ted Cox |
William Cunningham |
Sheila Duffle |
Douglas Dunagan |
Terry Furlong |
Ronald Gardner |
Jerry Glenn |
Charles Goad |
Jo Anne Gooch |
Roger Goode |
Karen Haney |
Charles Hill |
Linda Hood |
Larry Hopkins |
Mary Lynn Hudson |
Karen Jolley |
Peggy Key |
Linda Lawrence |
Jean Lichtenberger |
Dwayne Lindsey |
James Lynch |
Vicki Jo Malin |
Michael McLane |
Richard McLane |
Carolyn Miller |
Donna Miller |
James Miller |
Nancy Miller |
Sharon Miller |
Collette Portugal |
Elaine Runck |
Linda Sargent |
Dennis Simpson |
Linda Still |
Marsha Still |
Robert Stortzum |
Joella Strader |
Ronald Strange |
Gary Taylor |
Jerry Titus |
Sheila True |
Janice Tucker |
Robert Warner |
Douglas Whipple |
Ann Wierman |
Sheila Wuersch |
Administration - Faculty - Staff |
Leon Sitter Superintendent |
Walter Forsyth Principal |
Board of Education Seated, Left to Right: William Cunningham, President; Dale Gardner, Charles Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer Standing, Left To Right: Hoyt Blaase, Robert Holaday, Norman Weller Absent: Mary Monahan |
Byron Bradford |
Lucille Burns |
Rosanne de Jesus |
Mildred Dennis |
Phillip Dennis |
Carroll Dunn |
Christina Goekler |
Dane Henderson |
Helen Harrington |
Gordon Herron |
Vivian Hull |
Rita Hunter |
Pauline Lawrence |
Richard Leduc |
Pat McFadden |
Joyce Moore |
Karen Morris |
Mildred Rea |
Nelson P. Roberts |
Lloyd Samford |
Harold Scott |
Imogene Thompson |
Wallace Watson |
George Williams |
Cafeteria Front Row, Left to Right: Margaret Davis, Nell Vest, Virginia Smith, Alma Wilson, ? Duhamel, Katharine Gray Second Row, Left to Right: Alberta Sargent, ? Patridge, Jan McLane, Essie Murphy |
Maintenance Front Row, L-R: Sherwood Ellis, Harold Bullard Second Row, L-R: Joe McCoy, Melvin Sabens, Frank Clark |
Bus Drivers Left to Right: Ralph Edgar, Margaret Moses, Everett Ingrum, Mary Wells, John Laws, Sherwood Ellis, Parcel Laws, Tom Davis |
Questions/Comments to Last Revision November 10, 2017 |