Class of 1963 |
Judy Albin |
Billiejean Arthur |
Orson Baker |
Lynn Bangert |
John Bank |
Duan Bartholomew |
Ken Beazley |
Billie Kay Biggs |
Phil Blaase |
Nancy Bright |
Phyllis Cox |
Lloyd Cummings |
Shirley Daily |
Jim Finn |
Gary Gardner |
Anita Halsell |
Mike Hogan |
Mary Johns |
Richard Keal |
Alice Key |
Sam Miller |
Jim Monahan |
Jim Nacke |
Pat Proffitt |
Joe Pullen |
James Ruef |
Carolyn Sandiford |
Greg Saunders |
Jeff Saunders |
Jim Strange |
Jonell Teets |
Charlotte Thomas |
Bill Wightman |
Cheryl Williams |
Administration - Faculty - Staff |
Superintendent Leon Sitter |
Principal Walter Forsyth |
Lloyd Atterberry |
Robert Avery |
Lucille Burns |
Garnette Clark |
Carroll Dunn |
Helen Harrington |
Dane Henderson |
Vivian Hull |
Sally Kibler |
Kathleen Kleiss |
Pauline Lawrence |
Pat McFadden |
Mildred Rea |
Nelson Roberts |
Thena Rollings |
Harold Scott |
Modesta Scott |
Wallace Watson |
Violet Whitson |
Carolyn Wilson |
Cafeteria Left to Right: Nell Vest, Margaret Davis, Alberta Sargent, Essie Murphy, Catharine Gray, Virginia Smith, Alma Wilson, Minnie Thompson, Shirley Reed |
Maintenance Left to Right: Joe McCoy, Ed Duhamel, Harold Bullard, Sherwood Ellis |
Questions/Comments to Last Revision November 18, 2024 |