Class of 1939 |
Dorothy Applegate |
Robert Bartholomew |
Richard Block |
Rosemary Bright |
Lotta Campbell |
Maxine Campbell |
Mildred Cunningham |
Lloyd Dearnbarger |
Bette Dilliner |
Keith Dillman |
Dewey Dutton |
Dora Mae Foreman |
Gene Foreman |
Dorothy Frantz |
Fred Garver |
Marquerite Ghere |
George Gibson |
Lynn Green |
Carolyn Guyot |
Edythe Harshbarger |
Raymond Lawrence |
Jack Lyons |
Jesse Martin |
Mary Beth Mason |
Joe McAvene |
Martha McAvene |
Gwendolyn McConnell |
Margaret McLane |
Tom McLane |
Dorothea Moore |
June Mulliken |
Bill Murphy |
Richard Pankey |
Harold Reinheimer |
June Rich |
Marie Rippey |
Meriedeth Roberts |
Esther Roedell |
John Schultz |
Russell Sollars |
Junior Taylor |
Leonard Thompson |
Harold Walley |
Administration & Faculty |
Seated, L-R: Principal F. A. Wilson, J.W. Meredith, William Waxler, Earl Cousineau and Coach Al Miller. Standing, L-R: Miss Aline Schultz, Miss Eunice Thompson, Mrs. Mildred Moore, Miss Doris Lehman, Miss Modesta Scott, Miss Sarah Miner, Miss Nora Hall, Miss Edna Ludolph and Mrs. Mildred Jones |
These class pictures were extracted from microfilm documents of the Arcola Record-Herald at the Arcola Public Library. The quality of pictures from microfilm is generally lower than those from printed material - i.e. yearbooks or pictures. If anyone has a yearbook, a class picture, or any other source containing the 1939 graduating class, please contact the Arcola Alumni Association. |
Questions/Comments to Last Revision November 10, 2017 |