Class of 1939

Dorothy Applegate

Robert Bartholomew

Richard Block

Rosemary Bright

Lotta Campbell

Maxine Campbell

Mildred Cunningham

Lloyd Dearnbarger

Bette Dilliner

Keith Dillman

Dewey Dutton

Dora Mae Foreman

Gene Foreman

Dorothy Frantz

Fred Garver

Marquerite Ghere

George Gibson

Lynn Green

Carolyn Guyot

Edythe Harshbarger

Raymond Lawrence

Jack Lyons

Jesse Martin

Mary Beth Mason

Joe McAvene

Martha McAvene

Gwendolyn McConnell

Margaret McLane

Tom McLane

Dorothea Moore

June Mulliken

Bill Murphy

Richard Pankey

Harold Reinheimer

June Rich

Marie Rippey

Meriedeth Roberts

Esther Roedell

John Schultz

Russell Sollars
Junior Taylor

Leonard Thompson

Harold Walley

Administration & Faculty

Seated, L-R: Principal F. A. Wilson, J.W. Meredith, William Waxler, Earl Cousineau and Coach Al Miller.
Standing, L-R: Miss Aline Schultz, Miss Eunice Thompson, Mrs. Mildred Moore, Miss Doris Lehman, Miss Modesta Scott,
Miss Sarah Miner, Miss Nora Hall, Miss Edna Ludolph and Mrs. Mildred Jones

These class pictures were extracted from microfilm documents of the Arcola Record-Herald at the Arcola Public Library. The quality of pictures from microfilm is generally lower than those from printed material - i.e. yearbooks or pictures. If anyone has a yearbook, a class picture, or any other source containing the 1939 graduating class, please contact the Arcola Alumni Association.

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Last Revision November 10, 2017