Class of 1914 The picture is the Freshman class from the 1911 yearbook. Commencement Program |
March: | M. E. Orchestra |
Invocation: | Rev. E. M. North |
Music: | Chorus |
Oration: "Poser of the Average Man" |
Donald Munson |
Oration: "Settlement Work in Chicago" |
Bernice Stapp |
Vocal Duet: |
Thelma Foster Nellie Ehrhart |
Oration: "The Hague Tribunal" |
Edwin Quirk |
Oration: "The Woman of Yesterday & Today" |
Marie Chamblin |
Piano Solo: | Florence Packard |
Oration: "The Future of America" |
Richard Ford |
Oration: "The Age of Luxury" |
Jessie Lozier |
Music: | Chorus |
Presentation of Diplomas: | Prof. S. R. Allen |
Music: | M. E. Orchestra |
Sources: |
Questions/Comments to
arcolaalumni@yahoo.com Last Revision November 10, 2017 |